This script can be used to automatically configure the TR069 client on a Mikrotik device for device management by ToughRADIUS. This script is generated by ToughRADIUS and automatically replaces variables, which can be found in the System Settings - TR069 function menu
# mikrotik tr069 client setup script
# Install certificate
:global acsCaCertTxt "{{.CacrtContent}}";
/file print file=tr069_ca_cert.txt;
delay 2;
/file set tr069_ca_cert.txt contents=$acsCaCertTxt;
/certificate import file-name=tr069_ca_cert.txt passphrase="";
/file remove tr069_ca_cert.txt;
# Wait while ehter ifaces show up
:local count 0;
:while ([/interface ethernet find] = "") do={
:if ($count = 30) do={
:delay 1s; :set count ($count +1);
#Get serial-number
:local sn;
:if ([/system resource get board-name] = "CHR") do={
:set sn [/system license get system-id];
} else={
:set sn [/system routerboard get serial-number];
:local existingClient [/ip dhcp-client find interface=ether1];
:if ( $existingClient = "" ) do={
/ip dhcp-client add interface=ether1 disabled=no comment="defconf";
} else={
:put "DHCP Client already exists on interface ether1.";
/ip dns set servers=
/tr069-client set acs-url="{{.TR069AccessAddress}}" enabled=yes \
username="$sn" password="{{.TR069AccessPassword}}" periodic-inform-interval=60s
:global ToughradiusApiServer "{{.TR069AccessAddress}}";
:global ToughradiusApiToken "{{.ToughradiusApiToken}}";
:local setupdate [/system clock get date];
:local setuptime [/system clock get time];
:local note ("# Device Info \r\
\n1. Serial Number: $sn \r\
\n2. TR069 Setup Time: $setupdate $setuptime \r\
/system note set note=$note;